Published: 17 Jan. 2025(Updated: 22 Jan. 2025)
43 min
43 min read
Kevin de Castro Cogle, Mirian T. K. Kubo, Franck Merlier ,Alexandra Josse, Maria Anastasiadi, Fady R. Mohareb, and Claire Rossi

Probabilistic modelling of the food matrix effects on curcuminoid’s in vitro oral bioaccessibility

Food and beverage

How well does your body access curcuminoids from food? Researchers from Université de Technologie de Compiègne used the Multitron incubator shaker to study how fiber-enriched biscuits and custards affect curcuminoid bioaccessibility. Their Bayesian model revealed how food matrices impact nutrient absorption, offering insights to design healthier, optimized functional foods.

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