Published: 14 Feb. 2025(Updated: 14 Feb. 2025)
75 min
75 min read
Connor M. Gianetto-Hill, Sarah J. Vancuren, Brendan Daisley, Simone Renwick, Jacob Wilde, Kathleen Schroeter, Michelle C. Daigneault, Emma Allen-Vercoe

The Robogut: A bioreactor model of the human colon for evaluation of gut microbial community ecology and function

Microbial bioprocess

Researchers at the University of Guelph have engineered the Robogut, a bioreactor model that emulates the human colon environment. Employing the Multifors bench-top bioreactor, this innovative system allows for precise cultivation and analysis of gut microbial communities, providing valuable insights into their roles in human health and disease.

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