Published: 11 Sep 2024(Updated: 13 Sep 2024)
6 min
6 min read
Sum Lai Lozada, Jose Alberto Gómez, Katherine Menéndez, Tania Gómez, Daidee Montes de Oca, Jose L. Durán, Olga Lidia Fernández, Yoel Perera, Gabriela Rivas, Tammy Boggiano-Ayo +

Oxidative refolding by copper-catalyzed air oxidation consistently increases the homogeneity of a novel interleukin-2 mutein

In this study, researchers have optimized the purification of IL-2 no-alpha mutein using copper-catalyzed air oxidation. This process, using the INFORS HT Techfors pilot bioreactor, improves the homogeneity and biological activity of the IL-2 agonist, which shows promise in Phase I/II trials for cancer treatment.

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